Comics Sale Preview – Auction April 4th 

Superheroes spring into action for first appearance of new Comics Auctions at Ewbank's

Comic Auctions Grading Ewbank’s new Comics department launches its first sale with classic highlights from Marvel and DC Comics, featuring many of the most familiar superheroes of the 20th century genre. 


Ewbank’s specialist Tom Duma has included a detailed guide to comics on the department home page on Ewbank’s website


Individual rare comics in this auction are expected to fetch up to £800 apiece, with a Marvel Comics: Daredevil No. 1, issue from April 1964 leading the way. 


Spider Man Comic AuctionsThis is the issue featuring the first appearance and origin of Daredevil (Matt Murdock), created by Marvel creator and founder Stan Lee, with a cover by Bill Everett and Jack Kirby, together with interior art by Everett and a splash art page by Kirby. 


The issue also features the first appearance of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. 


CGC Restored Grade 3.5 (Slight C-1) and protectively slabbed within CGC’s modern-style Perspex capsule, it carries an estimate of £600-800. 


A 1993, First Dark Horse Edition of Moebius & Darrow, featuring a City of Fire Portfolio of 10 Art Prints is expected to sell for £500-700. 


Darrow (b.1955) is famed for his intricate concept work on the Matrix trilogy and Shaolin Cowboy comic books, while Jean Giraud, who worked under the pseudonym Moebius, has been named as the most influential European comic book artist after Hergé, creator of Tintin. 


Their collaborative portfolio suite of 10 unique Science fiction and Fantasy prints comes with an outer jacket illustrated in their trademark detailed styles featuring an imaginative, densely populated presentation of science-fiction conceptual artwork. Humans, androids and wildly imagined creatures all feature within a minutely illustrated conceptualized world. 


Hulk Comic AuctionDarrow first met Moebius when working on Disney’s Tron movie, having been a life-long fan of his work. Later travelling to Paris, he and Moebius collaborated on the City of Fire set of images. Darrow made initial pencil sketches and drawings, with Moebius later providing final inking, reworking, and finishing with colour.  


This 15 x 19½in (38 x 49.5 cm) portfolio is seldom seen for sale. 


A Marvel Comics: Werewolf By Night No. 32, featuring the first appearance of Moon Knight AKA Marc Spector / Steven Grant / Mr. Knight (1975), also features Uncanny X-men (1st series) No. 101. It should sell for £400-600. 


Another first comes in the form of a Marvel Comics: The Amazing Spider-Man No. 129 from 1974. In this case it is The Punisher (Frank Castle), a leading Marvel anti-hero, who makes his first appearance.  The Punisher who originally appeared as an assassin and adversary of Spider-man dedicated to the assassination of Spider-man, quickly became one of Marvel comics most enduring and popular anti-hero characters. It is also expected to make £400-600. 


The same estimate applies to Marvel Comics: The Amazing Spider-Man No. 50, featuring the 1st appearance of the Kingpin, dates to 1967. Kingpin is a key Marvel antagonist and Marvel villain. 


 Comic Book Art AuctionMarvel Comics: Incredible Hulk 182, from December 1974, includes the third appearance of Wolverine (a cameo on 1st page), as well as the debut of Hammer and Anvil. The CGC Universal Grade 9.6, US Cents copy is slabbed and comes with hopes of £300-500. 


Other highlights include the first appearance of Wolverine in a cameo on the last page of Marvel Comics: Incredible Hulk 180, (October 1974). With a CGC Universal Grade of 5.0, the US Cents copy has a guide of £300-500. 


DC Comics: Batman No. 227 (1970), features an iconic homage cover by Neal Adams. Created in tribute to the now-legendary cover of Detective comics No. 31 Classic Batman over Castle cover art by Bob Kane, Neal Adams refreshed the image for modern audiences in 1970 with an updated, more horror orientated focus. The estimate is £200-300. 


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